Mark Wesley Curran's mission is to write, record and perform his original music and reach as large an audience as possible through online and live appearances. In addition, he is keeping musical history alive through education and performance through his non-profit arts organization West Coast Performing Arts, which has been involved in keeping the music of heritage artists alive in schools, retirement centers and community theaters since 2002.
Mark explains:
"I've developed programs such as tribute shows to entertain audiences while educating them to our rich musical history so the music I grew up with [R&B, Country, British/American Rock and Standards] don't get lost. With terrestrial radio stations disappearing and 'oldies' and 'classics' getting less airplay, it's more important than ever to keep the music alive through playing and performing as well as educating.”
Another important element of Mark's mission aside from musical preservation is helping the underpriviliged in struggling countries, supporting interest-free business loans for people providing basic living services through the KIVA organization.
Mark is also a financial supporter of FREE WHEELCHAIR MISSION of Orange County, a non-profit that provides the gift of mobility to people living with disabilities in developing nations.
To Learn More:
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for Mark Wesley Curran Music
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